Construction of Our Lady of
Lourdes in Wellfleet began on December 8, 2007. The new 500 seat church
and parish hall were dedicated by Bishop Coleman on March 22, 2009
and the parish moved back from Visitation Church in Eastham to Wellfleet. The beautiful
new facilities demonstrated ways to serve our parish
community, and it’s clear we will be able to do much more in the years to come
because of the investment we have made.
We need your help. Please make a contribution to the Church Fund –
any amount will help. If you wish more information, do not hesitate to
contact the Pastor. He will work with you to arrange a flexible payment
schedule if you prefer that, or a stock gift or bequest or matching gift if
either of those are of interest. The Pastor will be very appreciative of
any amount you can contribute.
To make a single contribution to the Church Fund please click on the Donate button.
To make a recurring contribution to the
Church Fund please complete the 2 items of information and
click on the Subscribe button.
Thank you very much for your donation.
For information on how to cancel a subscription after the initial process is
completed, click here
What happens when you click on donate or subscribe?
When you click the "Donate" button, you will be brought into the
secure PayPal environment where you can enter your payment
preferences, including donation amount and type of card used.
If you wish to use PayPal, you will have to logon to PayPal using your PayPal ID and password.
If you wish to use a credit or debit card you will have to enter your card information.
When you click the "Subscribe" button, you will be brought into the secure PayPal environment where you can enter your PayPal account information. For a 'subscribe', PayPal requires that you use a PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account you can open one using credit or debit card information. The PayPal account is free and very secure.
The purchase process here is the same process used by many
merchants when purchasing items on the internet. No information regarding
your credit or debit card is known or shared by us. Immediately after you
complete the transaction PayPal will send you an e-mail message acknowledging
receipt of your donation.
